The Alliance for Digital Pathology
A collaborative community with FDA participation
& convened by Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC)
About Plcc
PIcc is a regulatory science initiative that aims to facilitate innovations in pathology as well as advance safety and effectiveness evaluation, and to harmonize approaches to speed delivery to patients using collaborative, pre-competitive approaches. The collaborative community (PIcc) is open to all stakeholders, public or private, including, but not limited to, academia, industry, health care providers, patients and advocacy groups.
Download the final version of our charter:
Medical Device Innovation Consortium if the official convener of PIcc. Learn more about MDIC here.
A collaborative community is a continuing forum in which all stakeholders, public and private, alongside the FDA, work together on regulatory science questions and medical device challenges to achieve common objectives. The Pathology Innovation Collaborative Community (PIcc) has achieved recognition as a collaborative community with participation by the FDA. Participation in collaborative communities is one of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health’s (CDRH) strategic priorities.
Learn more about collaborative communities here:
About The Alliance for Digital Pathology
A regulatory science initiative to harmonize and standardize digital pathology processes to speed up innovation to patients.
The Alliance for Digital Pathology is a collaborative and voluntary group interested in the evolution of regulatory science as it applies to digital pathology. We seek participation from all stakeholders (industry, vendors, academic medical centers, patient advocates, regulatory bodies, associations, etc.) to come together and identify key elements necessary to move the field of digital pathology forward.
The purpose of the Alliance is to accomplish concrete practical deliverables and relevant strategic aims in order to sustain and expand the existing collaborative infrastructure.
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