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Steering Committee Meeting

Agenda: download detailed .docx here

  • Recap: PIcc at USCAP

  • Unique Patient Identifier Update

    • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act March 2010 (download)

    • HHS Proposed Modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule to Support, and Remove Barriers to, Coordinate Care and Individual Engagement Jan 2021 (download)

    • LHHS Fiscal Year 2022 Appropriations Bill (download)

    • National Patient ID Repeal Act Nov 2021 (download)

    • Patient ID Now Report: Framework for a National Strategy on Patient Identity (download)

  • Patient Advocacy

    • APPIA

    • All4Cure (link)

      • Burton et al. Safety, Feasibility, and Merits of Longitudinal Molecular Testing of Multiple Metastatic Sites to Inform mTNBC Patient Treatment in the Intensive Trial of Omics in Cancer (download)

    • Kanter et al. Thanking patients for their role in research is part of creating wider cultural change (download)

  • Telehealth

    • White House: Telehealth Equity and Broadband Access Fact Sheet (link)

    • AMA: Telehealth flexibilities assured for the bulk of 2022 (link)

    • Priorities for Medicare Teleheath Reform Group Letter (download)

  • GMLP open for comment through FDA docket FDA-2019-N-1185 (link)

    • Example: Comment from Intel (link)

    • GMLP Guiding Principles (download)

  • Transitional Coverage for Emerging Technologies

    • Discussion guide from March 28th webinar (download)

    • Understanding evidence on the value of medical technologies (link)

    • Ruggles et al. The Need for Accelerated Medicare Coverage of Innovative Technologies: Impact on Patient Access and the Innovation Ecosystem (link)

  • Featured papers

    • Couture et al. Image analysis with deep learning to predict breast cancer grade, ER status, histologic subtype, and intrinsic subtype (download)

    • Revie et al. Current problems and perspectives on colour in medical imaging (download)

    • Bergstrom et al. Mapping clustered mutations in cancer reveals APOBEC3 mutagenesis of ecDNA (download)

    • Kobayashi et al. Silent mutations reveal therapeutic vulnerability in RAS Q61 cancers (download)

    • Pataskar et al. Tryptophan depletion results in tryptophan-to-phenylalanine substitutants (download)

  • News/Events

    • AI Grand Challenge Announcement: new date for live discussion is Monday, April 25, 2022 at 12:00-1:00PM Eastern time (link)

    • PathML Presentation featuring Renato Umeton, PhD and Jacob Rosenthal, MSc (DFCI) – date TBD

    • API Summit in Pittsburgh on May 9-12, 2022 (link)

Meeting Credentials:

March 19

PIcc Meeting at USCAP

April 25

AI Grand Challenges Project Meeting