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Steering Committee Meeting


  • FDA Guidance:

    • ctDNA OOTD Guidance Review Session on July 21 at 11AM ET (link)

      • FOCR ctMoniTR project event July 20 at 11:30AM ET (link)

    • Cybersecurity in Medical Devices (link)

      • Bill - Healthcare Cybersecurity Act of 2022 (link)

      • Article - FDA Document Details Cyber Expectations for Device Makers (link)

      • Bill - Strengthening Cybersecurity for Medical Devices Act (link)

      • Article - Bill Calls for Frequent FDA Device Cyber Guidance Updates (link)

    • Technical Performance Assessment of Quantitative Imaging in Radiological Device Premarket Submissions  (link)

  • European AI Law

  • HHS withdrawing the SUNSET final rule

    • Article - HHS finishes off Trump-era rule that would've erased basic FDA regs without frequent reviews (link)

    • Economic Impact Analyses of FDA Regulations (link)

  • CPT Coding

  • CURE ID (link) (collaboration between FDA and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH))

  • Relevant books:

    • Uta Schmidt-Strasßburger. Improving Oncology Worldwide

      • Master of Advanced Oncology Course

    • Ronald Christensen. Analysis of Variance, Design, and Regression: Applied Statistical Methods

    • Kroese et al. Data Science and Machine Learning: Mathematical and statistical methods

  • Featured work:

    • Brian Ford – History of AI (link)

    • QUAREP-LiMi (link)

    • Margaretta Colangelo (link)

    • PathML (link)

    • MedTech Color Collaborative Community Annual Report

    • American Board of Pathology Annual Report

    • The Commonwealth Fund Meeting America’s Public Health Challenge

  • Featured papers:

    • Diamantopoulou et al. The metastatic spread of breast cancer accelerates during sleep

      • Ball & Nagrath. Cancer cells spread aggressively during sleep

    • Drews et al. A pan-cancer compendium of chromosomal instability

    • Gounder et al. Clinical genomic profiling in the management of patients with soft tissue and bone sarcoma

    • Jorgenson. Missing Companion Diagnostic for US Food and Drug Administration–Approved

    • Lips et al. Genomic analysis defines clonal relationships of ductal carcinoma in situ and recurrent invasive breast cancer

    • Maier-Hein et al. BIAS: Transparent reporting of biomedical image analysis challenges

    • Mund et al. Unbiased spatial proteomics with single-cell resolution in tissues

    • Nacev et al. Clinical sequencing of soft tissue and bone sarcomas delineates diverse genomic landscapes and potential therapeutic targets

    • Park et al. Artificial Intelligence–Powered Spatial Analysis of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes as Complementary Biomarker for Immune Checkpoint Inhibition in Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

    • Reinke et al. Common Limitations of Image Processing Metrics: A Picture Story

    • Sherman et al. Genome-wide mapping of somatic mutation rates uncovers drivers of cancer

June 22

Lessons from the first FDA Approval of an AI Tool in Diagnostic Pathology

July 12

FDA Patient Engagement Advisory Committee Meeting Announcement