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Steering Committee Meeting

Meeting agenda (download .docx version):

  • Review of recent events:

    • DPA Pathology Visions [Abbey]

      • `DICOM WG-26 Annotation Hackathon [Markus]

    • Collaborative Communities Townhall

    • Harvard-MIT Center for Regulatory Science 2021 Global Conference (link)

  • Open for public comment from International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF): Machine Learning-enabled Medical Devices - A subset of Artificial Intelligence-enabled Medical Devices: Key Terms and Definitions (link)

  • Job announcements [Brandon]:

    • DIDSR Deputy Director (link)

    • Job Opportunities in OSEL (Office of Science and Engineering Labs) (link)

  • Informational material from PEW:

    • Diagnostic Tests Not Reviewed by FDA Present Growing Risks to Patients (link)

    • The Role of Lab-Developed Tests in the In Vitro Diagnostic Market (link)

  • Relevant papers:

    • The potential of AI in cancer care and research (link)

  • Announcements:

    • Trainee WG Speaker Event: Siba el Hussein on 11/22 at 9AM ET [Julia]

  • Upcoming PIcc meetings:

    • Test Driving VALID2021 – Thursday, October 28 3-4PM ET (link)

    • Privacy Pilot Project – Friday, October 29, 12-1PM ET (link)

    • Payor Strategies WG Meeting - Tuesday, November 2 1-2PM ET (link)

  • MDIC Update [Jithesh]:

    • Define membership for PIcc

  • Upcoming events:

    • November 4: Collaborative Community Senior Leadership Team meeting [internal]

    • November 8-9: Case Comprehensive Cancer Center - AI in Oncology (link)

Meeting Credentials:

October 19

Payor Strategies WG Bi-Weekly Meeting

October 28

Test Driving VALID2021 Meeting 3