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FOCR Supporting Development of Diagnostic Test for Unmet Needs

Friends of Cancer Research Virtual Meeting
Supporting Development of Diagnostic Tests for Unmet Needs

During the past several months, experts from across health sectors have convened to design new approaches for drug/diagnostic co-development in the field of oncology and rare diseases. This forum will feature a new report describing recommended strategies and policy considerations to optimize diagnostic test development for rare populations into the future.

Drug and diagnostic co-development has traditionally occurred in a manner by which one drug is accompanied by one diagnostic test. However, this paradigm may present challenges for patient access and trial accrual. Through this project we explore flexibilities to expedite development and review of targeted therapies and companion diagnostics (CDx) for rare biomarkers or indications.

Register for the meeting above and stay tuned for additional agenda updates. The current draft agenda is below.

February 22

PMLS Virtual Series 2022 – Precision Pathology

February 23

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