Tentative Agenda: download here
10’ MDIC Annual Public Forum Sessions Forum (June 1-2) (link)
3’ Collaborative Communities: Putting the community in the driver’s seat to navigate healthcare challenges (link)
Share PowerPoint overview of PIcc
3’ Artificial Intelligence powered cancer diagnostics: How regulatory science can re-shape digital diagnostics
Joe Lennerz (Introduction scope and vision), Wendy Rubinstein (FDA; Regulatory science), Matthew Hanna (AI powered cancer diagnostics). Markus Herrmann (Interoperability challenges), Laura Lasiter (Patient advocacy perspective PIcc), Esther Abels (Payor Workgroup Updates)
4’ MDIC updates [Jithesh]
5’ Network of Digital Health Experts (NODEX)
How to become a member
5’ NEJM Call for submissions (link)
Proposal: virtual event to outline the importance of regulatory science for adoption of AI/ML
10’ Workgroup updates
Payor [Laura]
ML [Steven]
Trainees [Julia]
Standards [Markus]
DPA Update: Interoperability Webinar
DICOM Hackathon
Truthing and Validation [Brandon]
5’ Pathology Informatics Summit review [Joe S.]
10’ Project updates
TILS RS Project [Kim]
Reimbursement [Esther]
HER2 Classifier Project [Joe L.]
Request pending with FOCR
5’ Craft the PIcc concept
5’ FOCR Update
5’ Other updates:
FDA Science Forum (May 26-27)
Discuss possible Annual meeting near DPA Visions
Updated landing page with logos – now live
Meeting Login Credentials: link