HTT Data Collection Relaunch and Project Updates - HELP WANTED

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce some recent accomplishments of the High-throughput truthing project (HTT) and request your assistance to maintain progress (HELP!).

The HTT project’s objective is to create a validation dataset fit for a regulatory purpose. Pursuing this objective is expected to inform regulatory frameworks and be instructive to others to develop their own validation datasets. For more detailed information about the project and/or to register as a pathologist-data-collector, please visit

HELP! We need more pathologist annotations and physical slides to complete our pilot study.
Once the pandemic subsides, we are also hoping to recruit host sites for collecting microscope-mode data using the idea platform (LINK to eeDAP manuscript, Link to eeDAP GitHub repo).


Aligning Reimbursement for Digital Pathology with its Value


HTT Manuscript Pre-publication is available